Fertility support for FREE. Our top 3 recommendations.
If you’re setting financial goals moving into 2025, you’ll be pleased to know that it is absolutely possible to support your fertility potential, without spending a heap of cash. Here’s our top 3 ways to support your fertility without dropping a cent.
Number 1 - Prioritise your sleep
In clinic we see sleep being wildly undervalued.
Research suggests that poor sleep is associated with female subfertility and poorer fertility treatment outcomes. Sleep supports the regulation of reproductive hormones, including estrogen and progesterone - essential for ovulation, follicular development and implantation.
Number 2 - Sip smarter
Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. You don’t need a $57 drink bottle, but a glass bottle is a good forever-chemical free option.
Adequate hydration is crucial for the production of cervical mucus, which plays a role in transporting and maturing sperm on their way to the egg.
Proper hydration also ensures optimal blood flow to reproductive organs, supporting their function, delivering nutrients and optimising the environment in which the eggs mature.
Number 3 - Understand your cycle and fertility timing
To me this is wild, but one smaller investigation (n = 102) of women who had been trying to conceive for 12 months or more found that 72% were unaware that the week before ovulation is associated with the highest chances of conception.
It is also well established that calendar based apps are not reliable enough to use as the sole way of identifying the most likely day of ovulation. Education, understanding your own signs and symptoms and a little practice are key here. There is FREE info here or a whole chapter dedicated to understanding and identifying your fertile window in my ebook Trying.