Sober for your sperm. 3 tips for blokes, from a bloke.
Righto, if you’re reading this, congratulations. You’re about to embark on one of the most rewarding and organic experiences for a man. Fatherhood. First things first, we have to make the bloody thing.
If you’re like me, you probably haven’t done much prior reading or even thinking about the whole conception journey. It just happens right?
Turns out, cutting down or abstaining from alcohol is going to give your swimmers a fighting chance to help make this little bit of magic happen. Alcohol consumption is associated with poorer sperm health which research shows can be reversed to a point, by drinking less.
So who am I?
A 30 something year old, banker, surfer, ex-party boy who one day decided to stop drinking. 12 months on, I’ve survived countless corporate events, Christmas parties, weddings, bucks parties.… you name it, I’ve done it sober. Will it be forever? F**k I don’t know, but right now I’m loving it and like you, I too am looking at joining the Fatherhood Club.
Anyway, let’s cut to the chase. How do you do it?
1. Be committed and back yourself
Whether you decide to do it for the few months whilst trying to conceive or you’re planning on continuing after your child is born - commit to it and back yourself. Be transparent to those around you and have the confidence to stand by your decision. You don’t need to tell everyone the ins and outs. Keep it simple - “I’m not drinking for health reasons”. Few people will question or probe further. If you’re not comfortable with that, “I’m training for an event” works. Book something in, something you need to ensure you’re in peak physical health for. Side note - people don’t really care, or definitely care a lot less than you think. Just keep your reasoning short, concise and back yourself.
2. Channel your passion -
One thing you might notice once you give up the booze is a new restlessness, energy and motivation to just get out and do things. Channel this into something you’re passionate about. Be it a pre-existing passion (surfing was mine) or starting something new (I learned guitar). Having a sense of purpose and seeing improvements in your passion will keep you focused and driven when FOMO hits.
3. Jump into the world of non alcoholic beer - (aka NA Beer)
“Keep drinking when you stop drinking”. The Australian NA scene has come on heaps from where it was 12 months ago. You just have to know where to look! Sobah, Upflow Brewing and Heaps Normal are my go-to beers. From the classics, you can’t go wrong with Heineken Zero or Asahi Zero. There’s also a load of European NA brews finding their way onto our shores via boutique bottle shops. Get hunting!
Good luck
Drying out for a few months is the least we can do for our future kids. It might not always be easy, but it doesn’t have to be a pure punish. Need a little ongoing support? You can read more about my experiences with sobriety here, or jump on to insta for honest NA beer reviews @holdthetipple .
All the best to you and your partner on this journey ahead. Keep at it. It’ll be worth the effort.