Our extensive Covid-19 infection control practices

With information rapidly changing and the likelihood of restrictions being in place for 6-12 months, for the time being The Fertility Suite is going ahead with appointments. As IVF cycles are completed and put on hold, and stress levels increase, I feel a responsibility to help where I can. The clinic will be retaining current health and hygiene practices and implementing new extensive infection control guidelines. These include:

  • Opting for an online appointment where feasible 

  • Appointments are spaced so no patient cross-over occurs

  • Our cancellation fee will be cancelled until further notice. If you’re feeling unwell or think you may have been at risk of being near someone with Covid 19, please just cancel your appointment

  •  Patients are advised to message or call the clinic or your practitioner on arrival to ensure no patient cross-over

  • When coming in to the clinic, all patients will be asked to sanitise their hands

  • Face to face consultations will be as brief as possible and will take place with the recommended 1.5 metre distance

  • Practitioners will wear gloves and mask during treatments 

  • A full linen change and surface sanitisation will take place between each patient

  • Practitioners will wash or sanitise hands before greeting patients, before treatment, after treatment, after payment and when the patients leaves

  • Patients will be asked to sanitise hands on arrival, before treatment, and after treatment

In addition:

  • Initial consultations will be done online, with a separate appointment for any face to face treatment necessary. This will be priced to reflect a single treatment.

These steps are to keep everyone safe. Thank you for understanding.
